Public Transport

Navigation and orientation | Audio information | Interactive notifications | Doors

Navigation and orientation at the station/stop

The StepHear app provides route guidance to the station using Googlemaps. At the station the Step-Hear app automatically activates the audio sign for audioguidance and orientation. The users can receive a 360-degree orientation for the surrounding area.

Live audio information at the station and onboard

Live audio information on the arriving time of the desired line. While on the vehicle, passengers can use the app to get information about the next stations and to alert the driver that they want to get off at the next stop.

Interactive notification

Customers can select the appropriate line and send the driver a message: "Attention: a person with a disability is waiting for you at the next stop". This will help the driver to provide the extra service.
Just before the user’s selected line arrives – a push audio message is notifying the user that the bus or tram is arriving.

Locate and open vehicle doors

In trams or trains, an audio-sign above the closest door to the app user, will help the passenger to find the door, outside and on-board. The Step-Hear app will automatically open the specific door with no need to search for a physical buttons, and it will open the door for a longer time.